These shirts will be a great staple to any closet. Worn under a vest it gives just the right amount of visual interest to make your look not boring.
Sleeve Length(cm): Full
Collar: Turn-down Collar
Material: Linen,Cotton
Closure Type: Single Breasted
Fabric Type: Broadcloth
Pattern Type: Print
Note: These are Asian sizes and are usually 2-3 sizes smaller than the Europe/US size, we suggest you to choose 2-3 bigger than usual.
Please check the size chart carefully before buying. If you are not sure about the size, please let us know your height and weight, So we can help you to choose the suitable size. The manual measurement can have 1-2 cm of error also.
This item takes 2-5 weeks to ship. All items shipped with a tracking number for your convenience.
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